December 18, 2017
It’s a Depressing Topic, but a Really Important One!
Writing a depression research paper can be a challenging task for two reasons. First, the subject of depression is a complex one that impacts the well-being of the individuals who suffer from the disease, those who love them, and society in general. In your research, you might address the physical impacts of depression, the emotional impacts of depression, or even the financial burdens that depression brings to bear on families and society as a whole. You may choose to research various treatments for depression and how effective they are. Obviously, it can be hard to narrow things down to a single topic when you write a research paper on depression. Second, no matter what the subject is, writing a research paper is difficult, and it takes a lot of time. You will spend hours and hours reading research articles on depression, while you are deciding which one of the many depression research topics that you will select. To help you in this process, here are some tips for writing research papers on depression.
Selecting Depression Topics for Research Paper – Now, Don’t You Get Depressed – There’s great information on any of these!
Coming up with topic ideas for a research paper about depression can be a bit overwhelming, simply because of the sheer amount of stuff out there on the subject. Here are a few research paper topics on depression that might be helpful, and once you decide upon one, your keyword search can be significantly narrowed.
- Write a teenage depression research paper exploring the use of illicit drugs by teenagers with mental illness.
- Write a research paper depression discussion on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for sufferers.
- Explore the risks of antidepressant medications in patients who have a history of suicidal ideation.
- Research an antidepressant that is still in clinical trials and determine whether or not it looks like it might be a valid treatment option.
- What are the benefits of a team-based approach to treating depression and other mental illnesses? This is a relatively new concept and one that is pretty exciting.
- How does the presence of another disease or disability impact the ease of treating depression? A major causative factor of depression is chronic disease or disability.
- Research various public health approaches to depression. Which methods seem to be working?
- What is the best way to educate parents and school staff about the warning signs of depression?
- What causes the stigmatization of people who suffer from depression?
- Can social media be used to educate people about depression?
- What are three ways to raise awareness about depression and other mental illnesses?
Writing a Depression Research Paper Thesis – It’s All About Purpose and Position
After you have selected a topic, you must come up with a thesis. One way to do this is by restating your topic as a question, and then answering that question. The answer to your question will usually work very well as your thesis. For example, if your topic is the use of self-medicating (illicit) drugs by depressed teens, what question might you ask? Why do teens prefer other drugs to the prescribed one they have been given? What are the reasons for self-medication – escape, mood elevation, perhaps a desire for acceptance and friendships? Your research on the use of drugs by depressed teens may give you answers to your question or bring up new questions, the answer to which may provide a great thesis. Just remember, you do have to do the preliminary research to be certain that your thesis is worthy and that there is enough information for the assigned depth and length.
When to Find Help with Depression Research Papers
The final step in writing a research paper on depression is understanding when you need help, and knowing where to get it. If your deadline is looming and you still have not come up with a topic or thesis, there is a good chance that you need help. Likewise, if you are struggling with “plowing through the ridiculously large amount of source material, you probably need help with the paper. So, where should you go for help? EssayState.com, is the perfect place to find help writing research papers on this or any other topic. We have the degreed pros who have been writing research papers in their fields for years!